You are absolutely wild on that stage. The energy that you just harness and release to the crowd is just incredible. How was your experience performing at Gov Ball at the Bud Light stage and one of the main stages today?
D: “Honestly I’m still processing it all. It was an incredible experience and I just had the greatest time on that stage. It was really good. And I loved the crowd's energy.
The Bud Light stage was really great but I just felt like a warm up compared to the main stage performance. I’m really grateful to have had both experiences because they were both great. I thought it was a great thing to do to work with a brand. Especially because you’re bringing energy to that area and really enhancing the area getting people to be at that stage. I’m really grateful that Bud Light let me onto that experience. I’m also really happy to have had the chance to perform not once but twice for the festival. Even though it was way earlier than the Bud Light stage, people came ready to rave at 12:10 PM on a Sunday.”
You just released a new song in collaboration with Grandson. How was that working alongside him?
D: “We are actually really great music friends. Actually we’ve known each other since we were kids. Known each other for about seven years now. We were 19 going out to LA and trying to make it in the music field. I’m gonna be honest when he got on the mic my life flashed. It really processed for me at that moment but I was really about to make a song with him. We’ve worked together but it’s never been a collaboration together on a song. When you get on the mic and he did the melody I was just like wow. Then I got on and immediately did the good mood hook. It was a really great experience for me. To be real with you I am super grateful for it. That’s my boy. I really love that man.”
What are your inspirations for music? What inspired the genre that you chose to be.
D: “At the moment The Ramones, The Strokes, Green Day and not to sound conceited but I have been finding a lot of inspiration through myself. I mean that to be very humble. I also love Kenny Hoopla. I feel like I wanted to do this and connect with the Rock genre because it was created by Black performers. I want to really be a part of that music. I really found that I wanted to do this also because of studying. I’ve been doing a lot of research on rock music and with that being said, also creating really bad songs to learn from. *Laughs* Before I could get to the good ones. One of my managers showed me some music while I was making my earlier music, and it really just opened a new door for me to start making Rock music. It feels right to me and I love it.”
You’re currently on a tour right now. Your own tour. Is this your first headlining tour? How has it been?
D: “It has been really really good. I was telling My friends that I get emotional every time that I think about it. Because, it feels so special to go around the world doing what I love. Especially having people come out to actually see me because they resonate with my music and like what I do. We do VIPs at about every show, and I always end up crying to these people coming to see me like “Thank you all for supporting me and my music”. That’s what it's been. It feels like a great step in the right direction for my career but the emotional side is what I treasure.”
What are some of your favorite cities that you’ve visited on tour so far or in general?
D: “I mean of course New York. I’ve only been here for two days and it’s just been amazing. Chicago, Columbus, Detroit and Philly. I hope one day to be able to play in Las Vegas. That's on the look out for me to be able to.”
And if you could go anywhere in the world where would it be? Whether it be for performing or for your own personal reason?
D: “I really want to go to Africa before I turn 30. Nowhere in specific, but I was talking to my dad but I really want to do that. It’s always been something I’ve wanted to do in my lifetime. I just told him that we should go there in the next four years so I hope that we can make that happen.”